Morning Docket: 11.08.17

* Three UCLA basketball players were arrested for shoplifting in China and face the prospect of being stranded there while the case plays out -- which some experts say could take years. International law expert LaVar Ball doesn't think it's a big deal though, so there's that. [CBS News] * Jury finds JPMorgan Chase liable for unlawful retaliation, prompting Judge Denise Cote to rail against the jury as prejudiced and suggest that she'll be throwing out the verdict. The case has dragged on for seven years, but Judge Cote seems adamant that we'll continue to try it again and again until people realize that banks can't commit wrongdoing. [Law360] * Fish & Richardson and Fish IP Law end their legal fight over the rights to the name. Good for them... there's plenty of Fish in the sea. [The Recorder] * Hundreds of civil rights groups have lined up to oppose the latest DC Circuit Nominee Greg Katsas. While the groups outline multiple problems with his nomination, the fact that he's been actively involved in vetting other Trump judicial nominees seems the most damning indict of his judgment. [National Law Journal] * Deutsche Bank names Florian Drinhausen of Linklaters as its new GC. Deutsche Bank previously had two GCs working in tandem but realized that undermined their ability to complain about bills reflecting inefficient work. [Corporate Counsel] * FCPA cases are on the decline -- is Trump's animosity toward anti-corruption laws to blame? [NPR]

* Three UCLA basketball players were arrested for shoplifting in China and face the prospect of being stranded there while the case plays out — which some experts say could take years. International law expert LaVar Ball doesn’t think it’s a big deal though, so there’s that. [CBS News]

* Jury finds JPMorgan Chase liable for unlawful retaliation, prompting Judge Denise Cote to rail against the jury as prejudiced and suggest that she’ll be throwing out the verdict. The case has dragged on for seven years, but Judge Cote seems adamant that we’ll continue to try it again and again until people realize that banks can’t commit wrongdoing. [Law360]

* Fish & Richardson and Fish IP Law end their legal fight over the rights to the name. Good for them… there’s plenty of Fish in the sea. [The Recorder]

* Hundreds of civil rights groups have lined up to oppose the latest DC Circuit Nominee Greg Katsas. While the groups outline multiple problems with his nomination, the fact that he’s been actively involved in vetting other Trump judicial nominees seems the most damning indict of his judgment. [National Law Journal]

* Deutsche Bank names Florian Drinhausen of Linklaters as its new GC. Deutsche Bank previously had two GCs working in tandem but realized that undermined their ability to complain about bills reflecting inefficient work. [Corporate Counsel]

* FCPA cases are on the decline — is Trump’s animosity toward anti-corruption laws to blame? [NPR]
