The Great Resignation Is Over – But Your In-House Legal Team Is Still A Flight Risk

Please join us on July 27th and learn practical strategies to combat burnout and reduce attrition.

stressed_out_axiomwebinarIn today’s fast-paced legal environment, the well-being of your in-house team is crucial to their productivity, effectiveness, and overall job satisfaction. Burnout among legal professionals has become a significant concern:

  • Axiom’s survey of in-house counsel found nearly half report they’re very or extremely stressed or burned out.
  • Axiom’s survey of in-house legal leaders found over a quarter are unsatisfied in their current position, with nearly 60% open to a new position.
  • Of those not actively searching, nearly two-thirds (65%) say they’re likely to look within the next year.

Why are these counsel leaving? Where are they planning on going? And most importantly, how can you create an environment that makes them want to stay? This webinar offers valuable insights and practical strategies to keep your in-house legal team healthy, prevent burnout, and reduce attrition.

Join us on July 27th at 1 p.m. ET for an engaging session as we delve into the factors contributing to burnout and discuss effective ways to create a supportive work environment for your legal team. Our panel of legal professionals will share their experience and provide actionable tips to help you foster a resilient and motivated team.

Key takeaways include:

  • Understanding burnout: Recognizing the signs, causes, and impact on individuals and the organization.
  • Building a supportive culture: Nurturing an environment that values mental health, encourages open communication, and promotes teamwork.
  • Managing workload and priorities: Techniques for effectively managing workloads, setting realistic expectations, and avoiding excessive stress.
  • Professional development and growth opportunities: Cultivating a culture of continuous learning, skill development, and career advancement within your legal team.

Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in the well-being of your in-house legal team and create a positive work environment that drives success. Join us for an interactive webinar where we’ll explore how to keep your legal team healthy, motivated and resilient. Register now to secure your spot!

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