Attorneys Are Reacting To Email From Biglaw Chair About His Summer Vacation

Some associates are mad about it, but it's actually great to see.

From: Inglima, Philip
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2023 8:32
To: C&M All Firm Personnel
Subject: What I Did On My Summer Vacation . . .

I took a two-week vacation this summer. Some of you may be asking, “so what?” Some of you may be wondering, “did anyone notice?” Some of you may be thinking, “must be nice!”

In fact, it was nice. And it was possible, given some efforts I made to protect the time, and some good luck that nothing forced me to change plans. I know that things don’t line up that way for each of us in every year. But since this was the first time I’ve taken two weeks without interruption in many years, I thought I’d share a few things that became clear to me about it.

First, the world (somehow) kept turning. I know, that’s hard to believe, but Crowell and the rest of the cosmos remained in balance, without me. That’s because everything we do here is a team effort, and it works best that way. So I leaned on lots of other colleagues to make it possible for me to really pull away. (And I send thanks again to all of you who carry me – both when I’m around, and when I’m not!)

Second, I made the effort to “let go” – as much as I could. And that was a lot. When you trust and believe in the rest of the team, it’s really not that hard. We just have to be willing to ask for the help that is always there. We’re lucky to be part of a generous community, with colleagues who really want to make it possible for us to unplug. Whether the break is for two weeks, one week, or even less, the key is pulling away, with others covering your duties so you truly can be “away.”

Third, I needed it. We all pride ourselves on being able to “power through” the pressures and demands of our work; in our business, that’s become almost a badge of honor. But taking the time to refresh, recharge, and refocus is essential to our well-being, and helpful to our professional effectiveness. I came back from my break with a lot of work awaiting me, but also with a level of energy and enthusiasm that was waning in the days before I left. And as the fall season approaches, and with it the increased work that always seems to coincide with the “back-to-school” period in September, I’m glad to have my tank refilled.

Finally, I found upon my return that I actually missed my colleagues and friends at work, and felt motivated both to reconnect with them and to get back in gear, towards our shared work. Go figure! And as I’ve been traveling a fair amount since getting back, I’m also enjoying seeing clients and other folks in our work orbit. It’s a good reminder that getting back to work is not just about turning the computer back on; it’s about spending time with our colleagues and clients; nourishing those relationships, and drawing energy from them. It reminds us of why we choose these people, this firm, to be such a huge part of our lives, and the center point of our careers.


I’m glad I got away. And I’m glad to be back. I hope each of you is having a similar experience this summer – or that you will soon.

Philip T. Inglima
