Differentiating Your Solo Firm In A Crowded Marketplace

Looking to grow your solo practice, explore new marketing channels, or find the most effective marketing techniques? This guide is for you.

TRcoverIn many markets across the country, attorneys are not in short supply. 

Additionally, lawyers with qualifications and services similar to yours may seem to be doing a much better job of standing out and drawing in new work. 

How are your competitors reaching these goals? What is the best way to get your name out there and bring paying clients in the door? 

If you would like to grow your solo practice, explore new marketing channels, or find the most effective marketing techniques to develop robust pipelines of leads and sources of new work, this guide from our friends at Thomson Reuters is for you. 

Differentiating Your Solo Firm in a Crowded Marketplace includes a holistic look at legal marketing for your solo practice. This guide takes an end-to-end approach, starting with wide-scope, general thinking about how to present your solo law firm and then zeroing down to more targeted approaches. 

Ultimately, you will come away with a better sense of how to develop a marketing plan, calibrate your position in the market, select the most sensible marketing channel, and bring it all together to generate more work in a way that makes sense for the time, effort, and resources you have available.

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