Goldman Sachs


  • Goldman Sachs, Non-Sequiturs, Reality TV, Religion, Tax Law, Travel / Vacation

    Non-Sequiturs: 04.17.12

    * Apparently, it is illegal to father a second illegitimate child in Mississippi. I guess the first one is a freebie or a Mulligan, or whatever. If for some reason I ever have a personal need to know this tidbit, please shoot me in the face immediately. [Legal Juice] * A class-action lawsuit will be filed tomorrow against the producers of The Bachelor, alleging race discrimination. I’m more concerned about the show’s overall crimes against good taste. (Zing!) [Legal Blog Watch] * Just like a certain Biglaw firm, Goldman Sachs is dealing with a large number of partner defections. Goldman has a pretty good PR spin though: jumping ship is actually a sign of loyalty to the company. Right, just like the crew of the Titanic. [Dealbreaker] * Today is #EqualPayDay. If you’re like me and didn’t know what that means, all you need to know is that the fairer sex is still not paid as much as big dumb oafs like myself. If you want to do something to fix this, Ms. JD has some ideas. [Ms. JD] * Bigotry and prejudice are never okay. UNLESS you want to hate on a new-ish (yet exceedingly popular) religion that is also conveniently in opposition to your liberal political motives. In that case, right this way, sir… [Instapundit] * If you don’t pay your taxes, the government wants to be able to take away your passport. So, hypothetically, if I were planning to flee the U.S. for, say, Spain, to avoid paying my taxes… I should leave, well, now. Umm, IwillseeyoulaterIhavetorunOKbye. [The Atlantic]
  • Celebrities, Goldman Sachs, Insider Trading, Morning Docket, Religion

    Morning Docket: 03.02.11

    * He might be a “litigious little man,” but I still dig Prince. Patterson Belknap just wants his billable time and his [insert guitar riff here] kiss. [New York Daily News] * Star Magazine says that Katie Holmes is a drug addict. Which drug? Scientology. She might win the libel lawsuit, but her ultimate judge […]

  • Feminism, Gender, Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, Women's Issues

    Goldman Sachs Accused of Sex Discrimination

    The fantastically successful firm of Goldman Sachs isn’t just “a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity.” It also discriminates against women, according to the allegations in a lawsuit filed earlier today. Three female ex-employees of Goldman Sachs accuse the venerable bank of maintaining an “outdated corporate culture” that discriminates against women in […]
  • Bar Exams, Goldman Sachs, Non-Sequiturs, Rod Blagojevich

    Non-Sequiturs: 07.16.10

    * Studying for the bar? Here are the top 10 people you want to kill. [Legally Noted] * Are the Mel Gibson tapes admissible in court? Here is one lawyer’s opinion. [Blogonaut] * Goldman Sachs won’t take a tax deduction on its $550 million settlement with the SEC. [TaxProf Blog] * Holy Hotties, Batman! West […]