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5 Monumental SCOTUS Decisions Every Lawyer Should Know

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As the highest court in the land, the U.S. Supreme Court serves as the final arbiter of the law and guardian of America’s constitutional liberties. From the right to counsel to same-sex marriage, these SCOTUS decisions have changed the life of you or someone you know.

  1. 50th Anniversary Tribute to Gideon v. Wainwright: The Right to Effective Assistance of Counsel: The right to counsel is fundamental. But in practice, it’s not that old. Understand the historic and legal basis of this important decision—and the consequences for lawyers today.
  2. Unprecedented but not Unanimous: An Analysis of Obergefell: Before Kim Davis, there was Obergefell. Find out what a divided court had to say about U.S. marriage rights.
  3. King v. Burwell: SCOTUScare & Beyond: Few laws have bitterly divided politicians (and the rest of us) as the Affordable Care Act. Understand what the King v. Burwell decision means for you.
  4. Yours, Mine & Ours: Supreme Court Speaks on the Patentability of Human Genes: Who owns your DNA?
  5. SCOTUS Review: Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt: In the most significant abortion decision since Planned Parenthood v. Casey, find out what a short-staffed court had to say about the landscape of abortion access in 2016.


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