Tag: Chuck Grassley

  • Morning Docket: 10.26.18
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 10.26.18

    * Chuck Grassley asking Justice Department to launch a criminal inquiry into Michael Avenatti and his client. So now Grassley cares about investigations. [Law360]

    * Does Megyn Kelly have a prayer in her looming battle with NBC? Personally, I don’t think they should fire her — they should make her sit in her office and do nothing for 40 hours a week like they did with Ann Curry. Curry did nothing to deserve that — Kelly on the other hand…. [Law and Crime]

    * NYAG suit over Trump Foundation breaching charity rules during the campaign looks like it’s got legs. [Courthouse News Service]

    * Justice Kagan doesn’t completely blow off the idea of 18-year terms for the Court, which is something. [National Law Journal]

    * Georgia seeks an emergency stay of the temporary restraining order barring the state from disenfranchising absentee voters because injustice delayed is injustice denied. [Daily Report Online]

    * Lawyer couple disciplined for talking to each other. [Law.com]

    * Japan’s letting the cryptocurrency industry police itself. This will end well. [MIT Technology Review]

  • Morning Docket: 10.22.18
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 10.22.18

    * Remember how Trump promised that he’d “fight for” the transgender community while he was campaigning? Perhaps he meant that he’d fight to erase them. The Trump administration is reportedly considering defining sex under Title IX “based on immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth.” [New York Times]

    * Democratic senators in Washington are refusing to return their blue slips for Perkins Coie partner Eric Miller, a Ninth Circuit nominee, and Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is pissed. Slow your roll, Chuck. I thought we didn’t care about blue slips anymore? [The Recorder]

    * About half of lawyers in the United Kingdom say they’re not ready to deal with Brexit. That’s okay. The United Kingdom isn’t ready to deal with Brexit either — and 40 percent of lawyers think their Biglaw firms will try to escape the UK because of it. [Am Law International]

    * In case you missed it, Paul Manafort showed up at the Eastern District of Virginia on Friday afternoon in a wheelchair, citing health concerns as his attorney requested an expedited sentencing date. Manafort seems to have gotten what he wanted, and will be sentenced there on February 8. [National Law Journal]

    * During his inauguration speech, the University of Virginia’s new president, James Ryan — a UVA Law graduate who once worked as a UVA law professor — pledged that tuition would be free for students whose families earned less than $80,000 a year. We wonder if that applies to law school tuition as well. [WTTF Fox 5]