Tag: Hamilton


  • Non-Sequiturs: 03.16.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.16.16

    * All the awesome things that Republicans have said about Merrick Garland. [Mic]

    * A deep dive into the record of Chief Judge Garland, and it just might encourage Democrats who are worried that “moderate” is the most used descriptor for the jurist. [New York Times]

    * The violence in this cycle’s electoral process may only appear historic in retrospect, and by then, it may be too late. [Medium]

    * This is why we should all care about and support Chief Judge Garland’s nomination. [Slate]

    * Analyzing Chief Judge Garland’s decision in SpeechNow v. FCC does not provide a reliable bellwether as to how he’d vote in a future campaign finance case. [Election Law Blog]

    * The jury asks a female editor a shockingly sexist question during the Hulk Hogan v. Gawker trial. [Vox]

    * Fun mashup of Hamilton, the musical, and Donald Trump. [YouTube]