Tag: Harassment

  • Morning Docket: 08.03.21
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 08.03.21

    * LA Mayor responds to lack of homeless shelter beds with a general ban on camping. [JURIST]

    * 14th Amendment claim against mandatory vaccinations smacked down by the 7th circuit. Also, this is what the 14th is getting used for nowadays? Ugh. [REUTERS]

    * Just stay home: Fake vaccination cards cost these two about 16k. That’s almost a month of law school! [THE CRIME REPORT]

    * Why can’t they just say it like $hort? SEC plans to review their whistleblower rules. [LAW 360]

    * What do you mean I can’t harass you?! California’s definition of “harassment” may include behavior clearly protected by the 1st Amendment. [REASON]

  • Morning Docket: 09.05.19
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 09.05.19

    * A look back at 40 years of Biglaw financials. Spoiler alert: they made a lot of money. [American Lawyer]

    * Greg Craig was acquitted! Good news for all the lobbyists and foreign agents out there who (wink wink) aren’t lobbyists and foreign agents. [WSJ]

    * Department of Labor official resigns after anti-Semitic social media posts surface. Frankly, one would’ve expected him to stay to own the libs. [Bloomberg Law]

    * CVS and Aetna get their clearance to merge because despite all Judge Leon’s rage at DOJ he’s still just a rat in a cage that happens to keep people from caring about antitrust enforcement. [Law360]

    * Simple way to fix harassment in Silicon Valley. [The Atlantic]

    * It’s a day that ends in “y” so Dentons just got bigger. [Dentons]

    * Does Chambers have a blindspot for women? [Careerist]

    * For those of you following the Alphabet/Google CLO shenanigans, the GC just married an employee this weekend, but not the employee who says he neglected their baby after he had an affair with her while married to yet another person. [CNBC]