Tag: O.J. Simpson

  • Non-Sequiturs: 02.04.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 02.04.16

    * Listen, I support people leaving the law to take a job that is more fulfilling, but Emily Boutard quit her job to make tiny furniture. I just hope the paycheck isn’t correspondingly small. [deMilked]

    * Law professor Alafair Burke uses her real life experiences in the law to write her novels. [Female First]

    * Alan Dershowitz reflects on his work on the O.J. Simpson trial. [Business Insider]

    * This week in Black History includes a notable first for Harvard Law. [LA Sentinel]

    * Can you imagine getting censured at your job for a paper you wrote in law school? That might happen to Ben Lindy, who is running for an Ohio House seat. [Volokh Conspiracy]

    * Best practices for law firms when dealing with cloud security. [LCCA]

  • Morning Docket: 02.04.16
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 02.04.16

    * Although he’s only seen commercials for the show, O.J. Simpson is none too pleased with the way The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story portrayed his lawyer, Johnnie Cochran. The Juice thinks Cochran is being “unfairly depicted as ruthless and overly ambitious.” [Washington Post]

    * A Pennsylvania judge has ruled that the sexual assault case against Bill Cosby can move forward and include the comedian’s 2005 deposition testimony, despite the fact that he only sat for that deposition because he was promised by a district attorney that he wouldn’t be prosecuted. [CNN]

    * While Dentons may have been written off dismissively about two years ago, since then, the Biglaw firm has “grown faster than any law firm ever,” and now people are starting to wonder whether the megafirm will be able to live up to all of the hype. [Legal Business]

    * Perhaps we need to start a Blue Ghetto series for our male readers? A former editorial director at Yahoo! has filed a wrongful termination suit against the company, with claims that he was discriminated against by his superiors because he was a man. [Fox News]

    * Under the guidance of his new lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, Martin Shkreli has adopted an intelligent new legal strategy: shutting his incredibly punchable mouth before it gets him into even more trouble. Let’s see how long this lasts. [DealBook / New York Times]

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  • Non-Sequiturs: 01.26.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.26.16

    * Harvard Law professor Larry Lessig is now depending on a future President Trump to enact the campaign finance reforms he built his failed presidential bid upon. He’ll be waiting for a while. [The Crimson]

    * Ted Cruz has pretty much always been a douche. [Funny or Die]

    * The People v. O.J. Simpson explores racism, sexism, and more — all through costume. [Fashionista]

    * U.S. Senators: They’re just like us! Claire McCaskill live-tweets her jury duty experience. [The Slot]

    * How can you avoid burnout as a lawyer? [Associate’s Mind]

    * Why are embattled public defender offices actually excited about the lawsuits against them? [Christian Science Monitor]

    * Practical advice for taking advantage of the opportunities that are staring you right in the face. [Guile is Good]

    * Get the inside scoop on why Rudy Giuliani jumped ship to Greenberg Traurig. [Big Law Business / Bloomberg BNA]


  • Non-Sequiturs: 01.07.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.07.16

    * People in the United Nations are doing a lot of legal research on a very disturbing subject. [Vox]

    * David Schwimmer is playing the late Robert Kardashian in American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson — but that doesn’t mean he’ll meet with the Kardashian sisters. [The Hollywood Reporter]

    * If, for some reason, you need yet another reminder that we have a terrible problem in this country with racism and police aggression, here is an eloquent reminder. [Black Debate Guy]

    * Does the public have a right to know if their legislators are sleeping with lobbyists? One Missouri lawmaker thinks they do. [Columbia Tribune]

    * Gerald Rosenberg (affiliate link) is still wrong that court victories derail activist movements. [Lawyers, Guns and Money]

    * Is it child endangerment to leave a sleeping baby alone? Is that a cultural thing? [Law and More]

  • Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 09.11.15

    * The Juice is not loose. The Nevada Supreme Court rejected O.J. Simpson’s latest appeal. [CBS News]

    * Governor Huckabee explains that Dred Scott is still the law of the land. To recap, Donald Trump thinks he can unilaterally overturn the 14th Amendment while Huckabee just thinks it never happened. Elie will have to explain this whole thing to his old friend when Huckabee gets his show back. [The Hill]

    * Jesus wept. Then celebrated his Ninth Circuit victory. [Lowering the Bar]

    * Sanctions for foul-mouthed judge. I wonder what she said when she heard that? [Daily Business Review]

    * Wanton endangerment charge for a law student who crashed a drone into Kentucky’s football stadium. Take solace kid: you’re not the most embarrassing legal news item out of Kentucky this month. Thanks Kim Davis. [WLKY]

    * David explains that more “shakeout” is coming for Biglaw. [Big Law Business / Bloomberg BNA]

  • Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 12.22.14

    * Florida Judge Cynthia Imperato was “devastated” after a jury found her guilty of DUI and reckless driving charges, but we imagine the judge may be more devastated by the fact that she’s a sitting judge who’s been sentenced to 20 days of house arrest. [Florida Sun Sentinel]

    * David Schwimmer, best known for his role as Ross on Friends, has been cast as lawyer Robert Kardashian in an O.J. Simpson true crime television miniseries. He surely knows it’ll take a lot of “unagi” to play the role just right. [Rolling Stone]

    * If you have to debt finance your J.D., you’re going to in for a rude awakening when you graduate and the loans start coming due. FYI, “lot[s] of graduates [are] buried in private student loan debt with not enough income to repay it.” [Forbes]

    * The parents of James Holmes, who’s better known as the alleged shooter in the Aurora movie theater massacre, have begged for him to be spared the death penalty ahead of his trial, but prosecutors say that in this case, “justice is death.” [Denver Post]

    * When it comes to Russia, “[a] lot of firms are thinking about pulling out.” That’s what she would’ve said if she were a managing partner. Biglaw firms that have been rocked by the ruble’s ruin are telling lawyers to leave before they’re laid off. [Am Law Daily]

    * Binder & Binder, the National Social Security Disability Advocates® whose late-night TV commercials you’ve grown to love, has filed for bankruptcy. The firm’s headcount will likely drop by more than half because of this. Yikes! [WSJ Law Blog]


  • Crime, Dewey & LeBoeuf, Federal Circuit, Federal Judges, Hillary Clinton, Law School Deans, Law Schools, Legal Ethics, Morning Docket, Murder, O.J. Simpson, Sonia Sotomayor, Trials

    Morning Docket: 06.16.14

    * They know where to find a deal: Justice Sonia Sotomayor ran into Hillary Clinton at Costco this weekend where the former secretary of state was hawking her book (affiliate link). It’s almost like this wasn’t arranged. [Huffington Post]

    * “[T]his is my chance to do what I love and I am going to seize it!” Judge Randall Rader stepped down from his role as chief of the Federal Circuit less than a month ago following an ethics issue, and now he’s retiring for good. [Reuters]

    * The government says that Zachary Warren’s prestigious legal accomplishments “left him well-able to understand the criminal nature of his conduct at Dewey.” Ouch, the People just turned it around on him. [WSJ Law Blog]

    * “The reasons they have are the reasons they have.” The ex-dean of Indiana Tech Law quit his job weeks ago, but no one has any idea why. We guess he got out while the getting was still good. [Journal Gazette]

    * Kenan Gay, the Charlotte Law student charged with murder after allegedly tossing a man into traffic, was acquitted. He graduated this spring. Nice work, but loans are still a life sentence, bro. [Charlotte Observer]

    * It’s been 20 years since the O.J. Simpson case — aka the “trial of the century” — came to its dramatic conclusion. If you want to know what happened to all of the lawyers involved, we’ve got you covered. [CNN]

  • 1st Circuit, Biglaw, California, Celebrities, Confirmations, Crime, Football, Gender, Lateral Moves, Law Professors, Law School Deans, Law Schools, Money, Morning Docket, Partner Issues, Texas, United Kingdom / Great Britain

    Morning Docket: 05.23.14

    * Congrats are in order for David Barron. The Harvard Law professor was confirmed to the First Circuit in a close vote (53-45), despite his apparent allegiance to our new drone overlords. [WSJ Law Blog]

    * Another one bites the dust: Weil’s London banking leader Stephen Lucas decamped for Kirkland & Ellis. The firm retorted by saying: “We have got 40 finance lawyers left.” Aww, yay for you. [The Lawyer]

    * We already know that state prosecutors are very poorly paid, but let’s go one step further and see if women are paid less than men. Shockingly enough, women are getting the shaft in Texas. [Texas Tribune]

    * Dean Jack Boger of UNC Law is stepping down, but he’s proud of keeping legal ed affordable. “[B]y relative standards, we’re still doing that,” he said. It’s ~$39K for out-of-state students. [Chapelboro.com]

    * O.J. Simpson’s lawyers submitted a gigantic legal doc in an attempt to get him a new trial for his armed-robbery case. Court word limit: 14,000. Words in the Juice’s motion: 19,993. Rules: LOL. [NBC News]

  • 7th Circuit, Antitrust, Benchslaps, Books, Free Speech, Gay, Law Professors, Law School Deans, Non-Sequiturs, Richard Posner

    Non-Sequiturs: 02.13.14

    * O.J. Simpson is pursuing a hunger strike because he’s looking to die. If only he knew who the real killers were, they could help him out. [Radar Online] * Dean I. Richard Gershon of Ole Miss Law thinks Elie is just wrong. [Law Deans on Legal Education Blog] * In continuing Seventh Circuit benchslappiness, Judge Richard Posner got feisty with an attorney for Notre Dame who kept interrupting him. If this lawyer keeps it up, Posner’s going to treat his client like Alabama did a year ago. [Chicago Tribune] * Comcast wants to buy Time Warner, pending DOJ approval. The DOJ wants to talk to Comcast, but they’re only available to talk between 10 and 10:15 on alternating Wednesdays. [ATL Redline] * California and New Jersey have banned gay conversion therapy programs. Is that the best way to combat these schemes? [New York Times] * A look at getting started as an entrepreneur. See, there’s hope after bailing on practicing law. [Big Law Rebel] * Daria Roithmayr of USC Law thinks The Triple Package (affiliate link), the new book by Yale’s Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld, doesn’t hold water. I mean, since when are we holding academics to writing “scholarship” as opposed to “controversy bait”? Professors need to eat, after all. [Slate] * A cop who got in trouble for bashing Obama online thought he was protected by the First Amendment. The court disagreed. [IT-Lex]
  • Alan Dershowitz, Eugene Volokh, Guns / Firearms, Law Schools, Non-Sequiturs, O.J. Simpson, Sanford Levinson, UNC Law

    Non-Sequiturs: 11.27.13

    Ed. note: Happy Thanksgiving! We will resume our normal publication schedule on Monday, December 2. We hope you have a wonderful holiday, and we thank you for your readership. * O.J. Simpson is going to be staying in prison longer. The search for the real killers suffers another setback. [Fox News] * Sriracha-gate continues. A federal judge has ordered a partial shutdown of the plant. [Slate] * Lawyers are destroying American society. Because the Romans also had a glut of law school grads when the Republic fell. Or something. [Bloomberg BusinessWeek] * A federal government lawyer who mastered the stock market and lived a frugal life has given some $56 million to the University of Washington School of Law. Go ahead and hold your breath for that Washington tuition decrease. [Seattle Times] * UNC professors are questioning the motives of a public records request targeting the new director of the law school poverty center. Which isn’t naked intimidation at all. [Chronicle of Higher Education] * A couple weeks ago Professors Alan Dershowitz and Sanford Levinson debated Professor Eugene Volokh and David Kopel. The former argued that the Second Amendment has outlived its usefulness. Based on minds changed, they won. The debate video is embedded past the jump… [Intelligence2 Debates]
  • Non-Sequiturs, O.J. Simpson, United Kingdom / Great Britain

    Non-Sequiturs: 10.29.13

    * First things first: remember to send us your legally themed Halloween costumes! [Above the Law] * George Clooney may be dating the “hottest female barrister in London.” [Legal Cheek] * This painting suggests there’s a senior partner who gets away with wearing sandals to work. [Lowering the Bar] * This is a really useful practice tip: how to cite URLs in briefs without having them look all messed up. [The Volokh Conspiracy] * O.J. Simpson’s house sold at a foreclosure auction for a mere $655,000. This must be a disappointing deal for him — I’m sure he expected to make a killing. [Daily Business Review] * Blackacre blocks access to a public beach. But the owner of Blackacre uses the Mexican-American War as an excuse to ignore the easement. Apparently he wins. People are also entirely awful. [Valleywag] * I also hate when McDonald's screws up my order, but it's not worth getting the police involved. [Legal Juice]