Tag: Ty Cobb


  • Morning Docket: 10.23.18
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 10.23.18

    * Lawyer for Hughes Hubbard partner wants the other side to whip it out. [Law360]

    * What if Martindale and Avvo came together into one website that no one looks at? [American Lawyer]

    * Court says Michael Avenatti stiffed a contractor on the same day he’s kicked out of his office for being a deadbeat, further solidifying his position as the “liberal version of Trump.” [LA Times]

    * Speaking of Trump, insurers can now kill your coverage over the pre-existing condition of “acne.” [NY Times]

    * Justice Department advising agencies to lie about FOIA requests. Cool. [Courthouse News Service]

    * In case you were wondering, the Mueller probe is not a witch hunt. [CNN]

    * The Hong Kong Stock Exchange is now the number one IPO market in the world. Great job for the #MakeAmericaSecondRateAgain crowd! [International]

    * Lawyer forcefully argues for Harvard admissions to reflect socioeconomic diversity. If this wasn’t a lawsuit bankrolled by white grievance they might be onto something. [Politico]

  • Morning Docket: 07.10.18
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 07.10.18

    * A quick primer on the key Judge Kavanaugh opinions to understand before this grueling process gets underway. [Law360]

    * Dianne Feinstein hiring MoFo to vet Brett Kavanaugh. [The Recorder]

    * After briefly flirting with looking outside the two schools, the Supreme Court will remain exclusively for people who attended either Yale or Harvard (including Justice Ginsburg, who transferred from Harvard). [Washington Post]

    * Uber brings in top Justice Department attorney. [Wall Street Journal]

    * Harvey Weinstein spared fate of living on Riker’s Island after judge lets him out on bail. Just like any random person accused of raping three women would be! [Mercury News]

    * The Young Lawyer Editorial Board scolds profession for slow progress on diversity. This drive has to start somewhere and it may as well be at the firms since it’s increasingly clear that the law schools don’t have the courage to do it. [American Lawyer]

    * Ty Cobb going to scum punk shows now. I have no joke for this. [The Hill]

  • Morning Docket: 05.04.18
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 05.04.18

    * Mueller requests 70 blank subpoenas! Which… actually doesn’t seem like an inordinate amount in a case like Manafort’s, but let’s overreact anyway. [Courthouse News Service]

    * Ty Cobb absolutely demolishes Steve Bannon. [Vanity Fair]

    * Trump Place successfully won the right to drop Trump’s name from the building. According to the Constitution, the building will now be called “Pence Place.” [New York Times]

    * Wild lawsuit against the former president of Ohio Christian University, who allegedly pulled a Trump and fired the people investigating wrongdoing. That move seems to be coming back to haunt him. [Inside Higher Ed]

    * Young lawyers call for office overhaul. Ostensibly this is to make offices better suited to modern work styles, but it’s mostly because law offices are generally all terrible and we’re reaching for any excuse that might actually convince someone to renovate. [Law.com]

    * Firm plans IPO to raise $58 million. [International]

    * A copy of an intangible thing can be tangible rules NY Court of Appeals after, apparently, binging on edibles [Law 360]