Tag: Wilson Sonsini

  • Morning Docket: 01.18.18
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 01.18.18

    * When USA Gymnastics agreed not to go after McKayla Maroney for violating an NDA to report a serial sex abuser it sounded like a dog-bites-man tale of an entity fully aware that sticking to the letter of its NDA would be irresponsible and immoral. But, according to Maroney’s attorney, Gymnastics fully intended to pursue damages against Maroney until others came forward and volunteered to help cover her fine. Um… everyone over there needs to be fired. [USA Today]

    * Ninth Circuit pumps the brakes on legalized prostitution. Seems like they had a judge out there pretty recently who might have dissented. [The Recorder]

    * Speaking of former judges on the Ninth Circuit, Wilson Sonsini’s Katherine Ku discusses her decision to come forward as a former Kozinski clerk. [Litigation Daily]

    * Rod Blagojevich always seemed, from afar, to be railroaded. Nominating someone to fill a Senate seat actually is a “f**king valuable thing” and it’s not like he was seeking a bribe for it, he was trying to make political deals. Now someone has leaked more tapes that the prosecutors kept out of the trial that further confirm Blagojevich’s defense that he was mostly trying to use the seat to get infrastructure and health care deals passed. [Chicago Sun-Times]

    * The Supreme Court’s only put out one opinion so far, and some are wondering why they’re asleep at the switch. [National Law Journal]

    * DOJ looking to undermine Escobar and go after companies for violations that the government still finds worthy of reimbursement. [Law360] LGBTQ, Religion,

    * Gay couple says they received religious damnation flyers from Vistaprint instead of photos. This message brought to you by HP, reminding you that it’s not expensive to just buy your own photo printer. [Boston Globe]
